Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Putting My Room Back Together

During testing season, my room is pretty bare.

No me gusta.

We have to take everything down that could possibly help our students on the test and that means I pretty much panic and take everything down!

Even though the school year is winding down, I just can't live in a bare room!  Here are some pictures of some areas I've been working on brightening up!
The birthday display isn't new, but I fixed the border and changed the other display to "Look What We're Learning!"
 Math Wall!  Updated with new topics....finally!

Bulletin Boards - and a little view of our pinterest inspired cherry blossom paintings
Brightened up Word Wall and another view of our cherry blossoms
Reading Strategies

This probably seems silly if you are getting ready to pack your classroom up soon, but it makes me happy to walk into a vibrant room!

What's your favorite spot in your classroom right now?


  1. When I take things down for testing I sit at my desk and look around and then start drawing up plans for the following year - I have to stop myself from changing everything right away. Sometimes, I can't stop myself. Your class looks great, I love the cherry blossom trees.

  2. I completely understand! I love color in my room...I cheated and only put up white butcher paper so I didn't have to take anything down.

    Everyone deServes to Learn
