Hello there!
I spent a few more hours in my classroom with my two little friends...the four year old and the two year old. Who thinks those were productive hours? What was I thinking??!
It actually was okay for the most part. The biggest pain is alternate side parking, so I had to take them back out after we had been there for an hour and a half so I could move my car. Annoying.
While the kids played with EVERYTHING in my room, I put my welcome area together, fixed up my bulletin boards, hung my word wall and started updating my book bins in the library. Take a look:
1.) Welcome Area: It's pretty sparse right now, but this DIY bulletin board will also feature our daily schedule, school calendar, word of the day and number of the day.
Do you spy my super ugly file cabinets peeking out from under that tablecloth??
This is also where I will keep my lesson plan binder, as I got rid of my desk a few years ago.
2.) Bulletin Board Updates: Confession - I left up the same black paper I put up last year. I have a really hard time hanging bulletin board paper and it was still in decent shape....no one will notice, right? Besides, in just a few weeks, the boards will be covered in student work and then REALLY no one will notice!
3.) Word Wall: I don't use my chalkboard, so I covered it with bright blue paper and I'll use it for my word wall.
Ooops...I need to fix those pieces of ribbon!
There's my little girl..."helping."
4.) Book Bins: I have a lot of books (I know, tough problem to have!) and not a lot of shelf space, so I stacked a crate on top of the top shelf to add a little bit of vertical space. I wouldn't recommend doing this if you teach little ones, but I teach big kids, so I know they will be able to reach.
5.) Birthday Pencil Topper Freebie! Grab this editable file from my TpT Store HERE. {It's a ppt file, so you'll need PowerPoint to edit it!} There are links to the fonts I used in the file, although you can always use your favorite fonts instead! You will not be able to edit the graphics so as to protect the copyright of the artist who created them. Thanks so much for understanding!
Hope you had a great week and have a fab-u-lous Labor Day Weekend!!