Hi all! I just wanted to pop on to share how I keep track of my reading conferences. I use a really simple form which you can download at the bottom of this post!
I write the student's names in different colors to indicate their reading levels. Red pen is for students who need frequent reading conferences. {Truthfully, you can have a higher level reader who still needs frequent conferences but that's another post!} Yellow/orange pen is for students who are approaching grade level expectations. Green pen is for students who are reading at or above their grade level.
My struggling readers need the most support, so I try to make sure to check in with them every few school days. I particularly like to check in on Mondays to make sure they have been reading over the weekend and that they have the books they need for that day.
Ideally, I try to confer with every reader once every 10 school days. The dates that are circled in red above are when it was longer than 10 days since our last conference. Since I don't like seeing those red circles, it keeps me on track with who I need to see and when.
It's a simple form, but it works! You can grab the PDF HERE and the editable PowerPoint HERE.
I try not to over plan my conferences. I know some teachers really thrive on schedules, but I like to indicate a reader or two who I plan to confer with in my plan book and then leave myself some flexibility with conferring with other readers. The more conferences you have, the more likely it will be that a reader will request a conference with you. This is how you know your conferences are on the right track! When readers find them to be helpful and valuable, they will ask for your assistance!
Don't forget that today and tomorrow are the back to school sale at TpT! My entire store is on sale, including the bundles! Don't forget to use code BTS15 at checkout to save an additional 10% off.

Thanks, Sarah! I was just reading Joanne's post at Head Over Heels for Teaching on how she does conferencing in her classroom. I'm ready to get back on track with that this year. Scooped up 3 packs of your Math task cards today! I think I officially have every package now! You already KNOW how much I LOVE using them in my classroom each year. Total game changer for my math centers. You ROCK!
Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'