1.) NYC Schools are finally finished! This was a long and emotional year for me. I really adored my kids this year. There were lots of tears as my graduates were dismissed for the last time. :-( I know they will be amazing in middle school, but I'm going to miss them so much. I really enjoyed this year with them.
I forgot to take a last day picture! And the kids wanted to keep the countdown numbers as mementos, ha!
2.) My kiddo "graduated" from kindergarten! His school had a cute carnival for the kindergartners to receive their certificates and celebrate their big achievement.
How is this possible?!
3.) My kids made a list of things they want to do this summer. Take a look:
Sounds like a great summer, right? (We are not going to the Bahamas though...sorry kids.)
4.) We are doing this though (in fifteen days!):
5.) I am ready for some rest before we head out to Disney. We hit the park today and I will see my trainer this evening, but beyond that, I'm camping out on the couch and I might take a little nap!
Hope you all are having a great summer so far! Be sure to head over to Doodlebug's Teaching Blog to read more Five for Friday posts!
I don't blog every day, or even every week, but you can check me out on Instagram, my favorite social media! http://instagram.com/misskinbk